Obtaining the contact details of potential connections on LinkedIn is a common challenge for recruiters and sales professionals today. With the intensifying global economy, industries are actively seeking new business opportunities and expanding their reach. Therefore, having accurate contact information has become crucial for optimizing sales and recruitment strategies.
According to market data, the number of LinkedIn users has been consistently growing in recent years, surpassing 700 million by 2021. This has made LinkedIn the preferred platform for many industry professionals to showcase their skills and establish business connections. However, due to LinkedIn's privacy policy and consideration for user rights, obtaining direct contact details of potential connections has become difficult. This calls for professional software solutions to help individuals gather contact information without infringing on privacy.
Driven by this market demand, several software solutions have emerged, specifically designed to find contact details of connections on LinkedIn. These tools utilize advanced technology and algorithms to analyze publicly available information on LinkedIn and provide accurate and up-to-date contact information. They give users more flexibility and convenience in establishing closer connections and expanding their business channels. Let's explore some popular software options for finding contact details of connections on LinkedIn.


ZoomContact is a powerful software solution that revolutionizes how people obtain contact information on LinkedIn. With advanced artificial intelligence technology, ZoomContact can analyze LinkedIn profiles, summarize and predict the strengths and future career paths of contacts, and provide comprehensive contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers. This tool empowers users to establish closer connections and discover new business opportunities through its accurate and efficient contact search function.


ContactOut is another widely used software aimed at finding contact details of connections on LinkedIn. It leverages publicly available data on LinkedIn to help users find potential contacts' email addresses and phone numbers. Although ContactOut can provide basic contact information, it may not be as comprehensive as other solutions.


ZoomInfo is a well-known software that offers a comprehensive approach to finding contact details of connections on LinkedIn. It provides accurate and up-to-date contact information, including email addresses, phone numbers, job titles, and company associations.


Snov.io provides a LinkedIn email finder feature that allows users to extract email addresses from LinkedIn profiles. This tool helps professionals gather relevant contact information and engage with potential clients or connections. In addition to LinkedIn, Snov.io supports various other platforms to ensure users can access contact information more broadly.

Find That Email

Find That Email is a user-friendly tool specifically designed to find email addresses of LinkedIn users. Users simply need to enter a person's name and their LinkedIn profile URL, and Find That Email will search and verify relevant email addresses. It ensures professionals obtain accurate and deliverable email addresses for communication with their LinkedIn connections.


In the competitive landscape of LinkedIn networking, obtaining accurate contact information is crucial for establishing and expanding professional connections. ZoomContact, ContactOut, ZoomInfo, Snov.io, and Find That Email are valuable solutions that provide effective ways to find contact information on LinkedIn.